Mu Shu Asian Grill in Phoenix, AZ is one of the top rated healthy food restaurants in the valley. PowerFusion recently redesign and verify their Facebook page to improve their social media presence. With high quality restaurant photography service from OUTography, Mu Shu Asian Grill now has high resolution food photos that improves the conversion rate. The website not only load faster, but it is optimized for search engine ranking.
Dragon Wok Fine Chinese Restaurant
Powerfusion’s Website Development is dedicated to help local business catching up the latest Internet technology. Dragon Wok Fine Chinese Restaurant was created by our WordPress team.
Dragon Wok is one of the top 100 fine Chinese Restaurant award winners two years in a row. The old website was using Mambo content management system. The website was not optimized for search engine and not very user friendly. There was no sitemap and was not optimized for better search ranking in the local region.
You can see the old site was plain and not very good looking. The right side is the new site that present a better restaurant website.
The new website is organized better with separate menu section, testimonials and dynamic map section. YouTube Videos are also embedded onto the website to drive more traffic. PowerFusion also create the Facebook Fanpage for Dragon Wok and train the staff to engage with their loyal customers. This is an on going project to help Dragon Wok build better brand and Internet marketing in Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa, Queen Creek and the greater Phoenix Metro area.